Favorite ♥ Moments Bunkbeds & Potties

This isn’t as much of a favorite moment for school subjects as it is an ode to twin potty training.  How does this fit into the school day, you might ask?  It fits in every 20 minutes when the timer beeps and we drop everything for a quick run to sit on the brightly-colored plastic potties.  Of course, reading is encouraged while sitting there, and this will often buy me a few additional minutes of teaching.  Empty potty, rinse, dispense Skittle, repeat…

Truly, I so enjoy having the sweet cacophony of toddler chatter and laughter as the backdrop to our school days.  It can get very challenging while explaining the more difficult subjects to my oldest two.  However, I have few choices since the babies are down to only one short nap per day.  We were using the twins’ nap time to do the harder subjects, however with this pregnancy I have realized that I cannot possibly drag my feet through rest of the day and its responsibilities without taking a nap myself.  So we’ve reverted to attempting the hard stuff while the babies listen to the Disney Pandora channel and then watch a Baby Einstein DVD, in that order.  Not a perfect system, but we are all learning to be flexible as we get ready for the new baby.  We only have about 10 weeks left in our school year, and I am proud of all of us persevering even during the interruptions.  Since I refuse to have 3 children in diapers AGAIN, we simply have to make way for potty training in our day.

Making way for a new member of the family is also bringing about other changes in our home environment, and a plethora of learning opportunities as well.  Pete and I are currently building triple bunk beds.  Yes, I said triple, and yes, I said beds – as in plural.  We had two choices.  Move (while pregnant…thanks, but I’ll pass), or make beds for all the children that only take up the space of 2 beds.  While redoing the kids’ room, we are also converting the school room into a nursery/school room by replacing all my beloved cabinets with floor to ceiling wall shelving.  We love you, Ikea.  On the bunk bed front, it has already taken several days of sanding, puttying, and back-numbing lifting and we have not even painted or assembled them yet.  Might I mention that the children had better be sleeping in these beds until they are 20?  Everyone under age 7 could not possibly be more excited about this project, though.  A day spent at Home Depot comparing prices and counting out 112 lag bolts and washers made for a great math “field trip.”  Daddy taught the girls about selecting wood with straight edges and few knots and holes.  Prayerfully, we will make it through this upcoming Thanksgiving holiday with something to show for all our hard work!  I like to be a busy bee and prepare my nest long before baby arrives.  Something about preparing well in advance makes me feel like I’m taking advantage of every moment.