Make way for baby!


Well, she’s not here just yet, but she is well on her way and we anticipate her arrival any day now.  I’m really proud of the girls for pushing through and being so diligent with the rigorous schedule I’ve laid out for them the first 15 weeks of this school year.  And we made it!  15 weeks is no small task, and we actually finished up one week early – once I realized that I had accidentally scheduled all the way into my “guess date” week, I realized that was probably pretty foolish.  So we doubled up a few assignments here and there and we got through.  I am such a blessed mama to have these amazing children who seem to instinctively know that the upheaval provided by a new baby is going to make some things (like school assignments) difficult for awhile.  They all get gold stars.

To celebrate our accomplishment, I’m making a gigantic batch of Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions tapioca pudding.  Oh.  My.  Goodness.  It is incredible.  I just might eat the whole gallon by myself.  Along with our pudding extravaganza, we happened to finish up our subjects on a rainy day, so that goes well with a Pollyanna, Swiss Family Robinson, Mary Poppins movie marathon.  I love being able to share the classics with my kiddos.

Though we will be accomplishing very little in the next few weeks in the way of academia, the children are already overcome with an extreme love and protectiveness over this new little one.  Our early summer will be about life lessons and lounging around in the beautiful backyard, soaking in each other and this precious little one, and getting some nicely-browned little people legs and arms and faces in the mix.  Maybe some grass salads and mud tea as well.

Getting ready to say “sayonara” to this big belly and hello to SIX children.  I never thought my life would look like this, but I love it!